Next Steps
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Children are welcomed in our worship services. A nursery is provided for children ages three and under each Sunday starting at 10:00 am.
A nursery attendant is present for little ones needing a place to get away from it all!
Each Holy Moly lesson is divided into four equally important parts:
- Discover – Introduce kids to the Bible story characters and begin to discover the story by watching an animated Bible story video
- Relate – Discuss what surprised them, what makes them wonder, and how they feel about the story they just saw
- Connect – Open Bibles and explore the day’s story
- Create – Imagine and reflect on the Bible story through hands-on activities or games using their learner leaflet

With Connect, tweens revisit the Bible’s themes and discover how the Bible relates to their own lives.
Lessons follow a three-part sequence: See, Explore, and Make. Each week, tweens focus on a theme by watching a witty video, exploring biblical text, and creating projects ranging from games to art and more.
The Stevensville United Methodist Choir is full of enthusiasm, talent, commitment, and FUN! We know that for at least 62 years, and certainly a good deal longer than that, the SUMC singers have been making music together and sharing the message of God’s love and grace with their church family.
Our choir has embraced many styles of music from John Stainer’s God So Loved the World and Handel’s Messiah to pieces by John Rutter and Ola Gjeilo and travelled down the road of some heart-warming, foot-stomping bluegrass. And just to keep us all young, we are not afraid to dip our vocal cords into some contemporary praise music!
We are serious about our music, but the fun we have congregating, sharing our lives with each other, supporting our friends, and working together is an uplifting 2 to 3 hours a week that is cherished.
We offer an anthem for at least 3 Sundays each month. During Advent, we present a service of choir music and meditations called the Hanging of the Greens. Supporting our Lenten, Holy Week and Easter services with extra music is always a musically challenging and meaningful time.
I almost forgot to mention that we also throw in a bit of guitar, cajon or violin with our music. AND….we have a dedicated, sensitive, triangle aficionado who knows just when to add a little spice to a piece!
Rehearsal begins in September, and we perform through May each year. The SUMC Choir meets on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We sing for the 10:30 AM service on Sunday mornings.
If you would like to share God’s love through music with us, please consider joining the choir. We will welcome you with open arms and loving hearts!
Brenda Bolton, Choir Director
Julie Ludington, Accompanist

Outreach Committee Activities and a little history:
- Float in the Creamery Picnic Parade (First weekend in August)
- Scarecrow Festival (First weekend in October)
- Trunk R Treat (Halloween)
- Christmas Goodie Bags to people who work after 5pm (Christmas Eve)
- 5th Sunday Potlucks
Lisa Menery formed the outreach committee in 2014 as the umbrella organization for activities that put Stevensville United Methodist Church visibly in the community. The church’s first foray into the Scarecrow Festival was an entry of Adam and Eve in 2013. The ‘apple tree’ became a fixture in many of our entries following that. Lisa had the foresight to recognize we needed some structure and a core group to implement events.
Partnerships with ministries and missions locally and globally provide rich opportunities to learn, connect, and support neighbors.

United Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men (UMM) of the Stevensville UMC invite you gather with them for breakfast on the second Saturday of each month.
We meet in the Fellowship Hall at the church for coffee at 8:00 a.m. followed by breakfast and devotions at 8:30 a.m. During the summer months we meet for a “no host” breakfast at Frontier Cafe at 8:00 a.m.
Our annual rummage sale, held each June, raises funds to support various ministries chosen by our men.
United Methodist Women
The purpose of the organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in global ministries of the church.

Walk to Emmaus
The Walk to Emmaus seeks to inspire, challenge, and equip leaders for Christian action in their homes, places of work, and communities. On an Emmaus weekend you will sing, pray, learn, share Holy Communion, participate in small groups, experience God’s grace in community and in the world, and understand Christian love in action. After an Emmaus weekend you are invited to have a closer walk with Christ through worship, study and active participation in your local church, and by becoming active in service to the world.
The Western Montana Walk to Emmaus community offers separate men and women’s, three day retreats, in a camp setting on Flathead Lake every spring. The retreats start on Thursday evening, and finish Sunday afternoon. The dates for the 2021 Walks are April 22 – 25 for the men’s weekend, and April 29 – May 2 for the women’s weekend. The community also offers The Face to Face Encounter With Jesus which is a four session journey in the Walk to Emmaus spiritual tradition. It is designed for older people and those with disabilities who cannot be away from home overnight. Both the Walk and Face to Face are programs of the Upper Room Ministries, are open to all Christians regardless of denomination, and are lead by laity and clergy.
The Stevensville United Methodist Church has had a presence in the Walk to Emmaus since it came to Western Montana in 1994, and many of our members have experienced spiritual renewal through a Walk weekend. For additional information you can visit their website at, or you can talk to Dean or Joey Diers.